Criminal Cases: Felonies and Misdemeanors
If you have been charged with a crime, you need an attorney who knows his way around a courtroom.
Mr. Perry has handled cases throughout Ohio and will aggressively defend your rights. Tell the police
you don't wish to make any statements and Call Attorney Perry NOW!
Mr. Perry has successfully defended people accused of crimes throughout the state of Ohio. He has secured
a "NOT GUILTY" verdict for many of his clients. Experience in: Murder cases, Involuntary Manslaughter, Sexual offenses, Drug offenses, DUI, Assault, Theft, Gun cases and Juvenile delinquency.
Civil Cases: Motor Vehicle Accidents and Lawsuits
If you have been injured in a car you need immediate representation. Time is valuable and you deserve compensation for your inuries. Call Attorney Perry BEFORE you speak to the insurance company!
If you have been injured and it is someone else's fault, the Law Office of Job Esau Perry can help you.
Mr. Perry has also represented people wrongly accused of injuring someone. Experience in: Vehicular Accidents, Slip and fall hazards and Dog bites.
Guardianships and Civil Commitments
If you are seeking guardianship of a loved one, if someone is seeking guardianship of you, or if you wish to oppose a guardianship, Job can assist you through the court process. Law Office of Job Esau Perry in Akron TODAY!
Attorney Perry has handled many cases in Probate court involving Guardianships, and Civil commitments.